It is a known fact that what actually counts in Journalism today is the readership and not professionalism or ethics. It is also a known fact that dirt sells. But the TOI has ‘literally’ raised a stink to increase its readership.
For the last few days I have been waking to a ‘dirty’ photo of a ‘dirty’ Gurgaon daily in an ad carried in the TOI’s Gurgaon edition and asking for readers’ response on an email id. Today morning, after my wife left for school I took my bike and went scouting for this ‘stink-hole’. And found it! Outside one of the well maintained colonies of the town and the oldest mall in the city. But the photo that I took of the site tells altogether another story – well laid roads, clean environs. The photo used by the newspaper is an atleast three year old one salvaged from the hard disk of an old old computer.
Alongside the ad are well worded responses from readers along with their ‘smart’ photos. But what really baffles is, did the readers send in their photos with the responses of did the newpaeper send their photographer to their (email) addresses?
Three days back I had also sent in a response on the same email id asking, ‘Are you REALLY INTERESTED?’ I have still not got a reply! Maybe they haven’t opened their inbox as yet!!
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