
Thursday, 31 March 2011

Gurgaon is no longer dirty

It has taken seven days – one whole week – but Times of India has finally realized that Gurgaon is not ‘dirty’ and ‘stinking’ like it is made to be. It may be a bit mismanaged. And no apology or ‘by the way’ but, then, working with government officers for so many years does make the skin grow thick proportionately.

The Times of India has taken a stand like the examiner table marking papers in a board examination – giving marks and saying ‘failed’. But many people, infact most of the cross section of the public that I interacted with are more inclined towards the media behaving more like a ‘class teacher’, checking mistakes but at the same time correcting them and, more important, treating the class like a family, checking for faults and pre-correcting them.

TOI has raised a question – should all authorities controlling Gurgaon be centralized into one single office? So that for any problem or official work (which should not be a problem!), a person has to go to a single office and file in an application!

I have talked to a number of people, including the officers mentioned in the advertisement carried by TOI Gurgaon and the reply everyone gave was – NO. While the whole world is going towards decentralization, we cannot be going against the tide. It is well impossible for one single office to look after all the complexities of a town the size of Gurgaon, maybe even a smaller town. The ‘single window service’ being talked about will only act as a post office and forward all requests and applications to the requisite department. But, then, actions are likely to get delayed in the ‘post’.

What has come up as a suggestion by most people is that most, if not all, offices having public-dealing be situated in a single building or a single complex so that the citizens, if they have to go from one office to another, do so in minutes (if the lifts work).

I would request all to send in their comments and also to send in their views about this issue to because if this is a referendum then we need to be counted! But, while sending the mail to TOI Gurgaon, do send your latest passport size photo because all the comments I have seen about this in the paper are accompanied with photos!

(c) Dr Rajiv Bhatia

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